工業地帯、小さな村、廃れた遊園地、大人の場所ですが、廃墟の中で、東京の下町の店の灯りだけが明るく輝いています。尚、「先客万来」の向かいの建物を入ってすぐ左の扉を開けると深く広大な地下施設に降りる階段があります。罠もありますが、かなり深くまで探索出来ます。様々な廃棄物保管庫、アンドロイド、検査タンク、機械獣、扱える消防ホース、棺、人形、作業台、二重の檻の中の拘束施設、等、限りなく地下が続いているようにも思えます。探検好きな方へお勧めです。 It is an industrial area, a small village, an abolished amusement park, an adult place, but in the ruins, only the lights in the downtown area of Tokyo are bright and bright. In addition, as soon as you enter the building opposite the "Customer Manzai", you will open the left door and you will get down to a deep and vast underground facility. There are traps, but you can explore them quite deeply. It seems that the underground continues as much as possible, such as various waste storage lab, Android, inspection tank, machine beast, handling firefighting hose, coffin, doll, workbench, detention facilities in double cages. 。 Recommended for those who like exploration. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Storage/133/180/2008 http://maps.secondlife.com/second...