温泉-1 [ e_yakata ] PUBLIC ONSEN

 [ e_yakata ] 温泉に行ってきました。とても美しい自然に囲まれた素敵な場所です。カップルで寛ぐにもいいですね。タオルは無料です。男女別ですが、主従、及び、寝取られ夫の席もありました。その周囲にも高台の露天風呂やバー、和室等、様々あるのですが、グループに入らないと立入禁止のようでした。

[e_yakata] I went to a public bath. It is a wonderful place surrounded by very beautiful nature. It is also good for a couple to relax. Towels are free. It is separated by gender, but for some reason there were also master-slave and cuckold husband's seats. There are various places around it, such as an open-air bath on a hill, a bar, and a Japanese-style room, but it seemed to be off limits unless you joined the group.


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