Jane's playgroundの跡地 / The site of Jane's Playground
SLに来て初めての出会いの場所はオープンカラーの無料配布所と「Jane's playground」でした。特にJane's playgroundには人が多くて、少し動くだけで落ちてしまう程多くの人がいました。そこで様々な人と知り合った思い出がありますが、いつの間にか、そこはなくなっていました。明るいカントリー音楽が流れ、溢れるほど人のいた出会い場所だったのに、かつての喧騒と賑わいは突然消えて、その跡地は「The playground」という名の、似てはいますが寂しげな場所になっていました。人もほとんどいません。喪失感というでしょう。どこか物寂しげな場所に感じられてしまいます。 The first place I met SL was an open -color free distribution and "Jane's Playground". In particular, Jane's Playground had many people, and there were so many people that it fell a little. So I had a memory I met with various people, but it was gone. Bright country music was flowing, and it was a place where people were overflowing, but the bustle and bustle and bustle suddenly disappeared, and the site is similar, but a lonely place, named "The Playground". I did it. There are few people. It will be a sense of loss. I feel like a lonely place somewhere. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Peacefull%20Breeze/239/73/1001 にほんブログ村 ★上をポチしてくれると私のランクも上がります^^。 ★ Pr...