ラッキーチェアファインダーは使えます!Lucky Chair Finder can be used!


 I bought it for 5L $ a while ago, but I remembered it when I was waiting in front of a lucky chair that changes only every 20 minutes, but I was surprised that this is quite usable. I thought it was a suspicious item, so I thought it was ^^. I also found out, "How many minutes are left, where and what can I get?" Only the sponsor stores can use it, but I still got clothes, jewelry, furniture, etc. Lucky Chair Finder can be used! I bought it for 5L $ a while ago, but I remembered it when I was waiting in front of a lucky chair that changes only every 20 minutes, but I was surprised that this is quite usable. I thought it was a suspicious item, so I thought it was ^^. I also found out, "How many minutes are left, where and what can I get?" Only the sponsor stores can use it, but I still got clothes, jewelry, furniture, etc.

NILSY STORE,   Saint Lucia /216/6/23

にほんブログ村 にほんブログ村へ
★ Click to increase my rank (smile) ^^.



伝説の甦生海底「プロテクトランド」Legendary Revival Seabed "Protect Land"

陽の当たる場所 Place in the Sun

静かな海の上で寛ぐ場所 black kite


Mindful Coveの探索

聖エリザベス大学の街 St Elizabeth University

JacksboroのCyberな世界 / Jacksboro's Cyber World

デンジャー クリーク湖

Uyuni 廃棄された鉄道と車のある砂漠 / Discarded railway and desert with cars

気になるラッキーチェア Dagger Inc