シェンディの失われた遺跡 Lost Ruins of Schendi



It is a long time exploration exploration. I enjoyed looking at the lives of the people of the village and the lives of the village people around the very wide four SIM. This is not just a beautiful, but also a challenging market and athlave market and execution gear for a gol bow tournament or battle, and it should usually be filled with a nervous atmosphere. There was no one, so I enjoyed the journey that I had no hobbies to participate in the battle. In addition, we moved with ropes stretched in the jungle, the lives of the villagers (also the moon festival). In addition, the weapons and costumes used for combat were given free of charge.


にほんブログ村 にほんブログ村へ
★ Click to increase my rank (smile) ^^.



再びの地、Cloud edge Ⅱ

Jane's playgroundの跡地 / The site of Jane's Playground


Neo Tokyo Cyber City of Sin

「夏の終わり」Sommergewitter since March 2015

デンジャー クリーク湖

マイトレヤララのアップデート Update of Maitreya Lara

111人いる!GABRIEL X'mas Party