美と汚濁のロサンジェルス-1 City of Lost Angels -1




I have been to the city of Los Angeles. There were surprisingly many people, and the place was so heavy that it was difficult to move. It is because it is described widely, deeply, and minutely. Inside the movie theater after looking into the coffee house, games, shopping stores, toilets, management rooms, theaters, movie poster bulletin boards (many scary movies), etc. are drawn in fine detail. The hospital had a blood bank and an ICU, probably for vampires, and there were many restraint chairs in the blood sampling room. There is also a cafe terrace near the coast, but it takes time to relax because there are dangerous tentacles with thorns growing from the ground next to it, and when you get close to see a nice sports car, there is a corpse next to it. that's right. Exploring a city of beauty, filth and danger is just the beginning.There are two entrances to the town.

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Neo Tokyo Cyber City of Sin

「夏の終わり」Sommergewitter since March 2015


ボルドゥン博物館の絵画展 The Vordun Museum and Gallery

Angel of Pain Hunt を終えました。

Angel of Pain Hunt が始まってます。

再びの地、Cloud edge Ⅱ

探検旅行-6  バハ海岸の美学 /Aesthetics of the Baja coast