SCANDALIZEのアドベントの見つけ方 / How to find a scandalize advent



Scandalize's advent calendar is a form of picking up boxes without a calendar. If it is FS, it will come out by searching for "day" in the area search. TP is useless so let's walk. There are many troubles that did not come out on that day, items that could not be obtained even if it came out, but you will not be impatient because you can pass it over the day. Group joining is essential, but be careful as there are two. Please choose the one with no participation fee. There are more than 200 gifts, so there is a great deal.

にほんブログ村 にほんブログ村へ
★ Prease click to increase my rank (smile) ^^.



再びの地、Cloud edge Ⅱ

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「夏の終わり」Sommergewitter since March 2015

デンジャー クリーク湖

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