purplemoonでラッキーチェアを発見しました。/ I found a lucky chair on purplemoon.


I found a lucky chair on purplemoon. I went to buy a 50% off dress (125L) and found it. It is on the left side after entering the gate (go left at the back of the casual on the left when facing the reception). There were 5 legs, but there were many kinds of products such as dresses, boots, and accessories in no particular order. 12 minute intervals. However, "?" often appears.


にほんブログ村 にほんブログ村へ
★ Prease click to increase my rank (smile) ^^.



再びの地、Cloud edge Ⅱ


Neo Tokyo Cyber City of Sin

下町駅の銭湯 Empire Onsen

「夏の終わり」Sommergewitter since March 2015

デンジャー クリーク湖

Jane's playgroundの跡地 / The site of Jane's Playground

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