愛の遺跡の地Frisson,HUDを貰って別世界に… / The land of love archeological sites, I got HUD ...


ここはフランス語で「震え」を意味する美しい場所です。遺跡を探索しながら、散策する場所はたくさんあります。不思議な像のある着地点近くにはガーデンパレスがあります。その入り口のライオン像にタッチするとダンスHUDが貰えます。近くには魔女の宮殿もあります。またビーチへのテレポーターもあります。ビーチにある建物には愛の石を囲む妖精たちや祖が、ベッドだけでなく、盆栽、水晶球、分に入った植物等、かなり凝った造りになっています。風船で吊られた橋を渡ると、桜のような美しい樹々と雪景色があり、adult椅子や湯舟、左手奥の階段を登ると、高原露店風呂があります。その先には城があり、城の中も王室や職人部屋等、様々あり、その散策だけでも大変です。一方、直ぐ上にある空中宮殿の先にHUDを貰える岩があります。「Gateway to Aquae Spadamae」です。これを身に着けると景色は一変し、愛の遺跡の地は別世界に変わり、冒険の旅が始まります。滝、日本家屋、墓場、難破船等、あります。橋の下を通る河の船に乗ることは出来ますが、立ち上がると落ちます。やがて船は消えて河底に沈みますが、そこから城の地下に入れます。地下の迷路は複雑で、罠もあり、地下牢の檻に閉じ込められたり(脱出は得意なので^^)…。しかし、奥には銃や弓等のギフトを貰える場所もあります。








This is a beautiful place in French meaning "trembling". There are many places to stroll while exploring archeological sites.There is a garden palace near the landing point with a mysterious statue. If you touch the lion statue at the entrance, you will get a dance HUD. There is also a witch palace nearby. There is also a teleporter to the beach. The buildings on the beach are quite elaborate, not only in beds, but also bonsai, crystal spheres, and plants in minutes. When you cross the bridge hanging with a balloon, you will find beautiful trees and snow scenery like cherry blossoms. There is a castle beyond that, and there are various kinds of royal family and craftsmanship in the castle, and it is difficult to take a walk. On the other hand, there is a rock that can get HUD at the end of the aerial palace right above. It is "Gateway to Aquae Spadamae". Wearing this will change the scenery and the land of the archeological site of love will turn into another world. There are waterfalls, Japanese houses, graveyards, wrecked ships, etc. You can get on a river boat under the bridge, but you will fall when you get up. Eventually, the ship disappears and sinks into the riverbed, where you put it under the castle. The underground maze is complicated, trapped, and may be trapped in a cage. However, there is a place in the back where you can get gifts such as guns and bow.Coincidentally, I found a treasure cave. Gypsy's house, market, ranch, graveyard ... I can't go around.In addition, there are some places such as atelier, which are prohibited to enter except for specific group members.


にほんブログ村 にほんブログ村へ
★ Prease click to increase my rank (smile) ^^.



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